Tag Archives: brew

Home brew; My new obsession

It all started last week. A friend and I met at a local micro-brewery for lunch. Naturally, the converstion drifted to brewing.  My friend had done a lot of home brewing before, and I have always wanted to. I told him how I really wanted to try it, but had always been intimidated by it. For no particular reason, I had always just assumed it was too complicated.  He assured me it wasnt, and gave me a quick rundown on it’s  simplicity. We followed up lunch with a trip to the local homebrew store. I left with barley, hops, and high hopes.

I couldn’t get started soon enough.  I borrowed some basic equipment from my brewing buddy (a large spoon, a carboy, an airlock, etc..) and got to work.  He was right; it was simple.  Granted, I was following step by step instructions, but I feel like after a couple more brews, I could start modifying recipes and be off and running sans instruction.  The beer I chose to make is an imperial IPA, and let me tell you, if it tastes anything like it smells, you’re gonna want a sample.  My house smells incredible!

It’s now been sitting in the carboy for about 4 days, and the airlock is happily bubbling away, an indication that I did at least something right.  I plan to transfer it to a “secondary” carboy  at the one week mark, and let it clarify in the secondary for another 2 weeks or so before bottling.  At which point I will have to wait another couple of weeks before consuming.  I know, it’s a lot of waiting, but good things come to those who wait!

Since brew day I’ve become almost obsessed with home brewing. I dream about it, I spend hours on home brew forums, the first thing I do when I wake up is check my carboy.  It’s taking over my life, in a good way. I havent been this excited about a new hobby in quite some time.

I’ll post an update as the beer progresses. Hopefully along with a photo of me sampling my first homebrew with a smile on my face.




Posted by on April 23, 2012 in Uncategorized


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